One application. Ten choices.
Before you begin
Take the opportunity to learn about each of our Colleges, as you will be asked to place them in your order of choice on your application form. Please note that while some Colleges close for applications earlier, the application form for most remains open.
Once you are ready to apply, follow the steps below.
1. Click ‘Apply’ and then ‘Log In’ using either your Facebook, Twitter or Gmail details or alternatively on the top right of the Log In page register for a SurveyMonkey Apply account and use these new SurveyMonkey Apply account details to then ‘Log In’.
2. There are five steps in the online application process. For each of the five steps you need to ‘Mark as Complete’ before you can move on to the next step. It is important to carefully check over and review each step to ensure all is correct before you finalise and move onto the next step. Along the way you can also pause and save your application at a point to return at a later stage and log in again to continue editing before advancing to the next step and submitting.
Five steps in the application process
- Step 1 – About you – including your personal details, background and uploading a photo
- Step 2 – Education history- including your current and future intended studies
- Step 3 – References – provide contact details for two references one academic / professional and one personal. Note your references cannot be a family member
- Step 4 – Choices – select and rank the listed Colleges in order of your preference. Note you will need to select and rank all the list of Colleges provided in the online application form to advance to the next step.
- Step 5 – Additional information – optional questions to help us understand more about you
3. Submit your application and you will receive a confirmation email
4. You will be contacted to pay the $75 application fee, collect references, and arrange an interview.
After you’ve applied
We are committed to finding the best fit for every student, which is why each College manages its own selection process.
The Intercollegiate Pool
How it works
When completing your application, you order the Colleges from 1 – 10. Rest assured – whichever College offers you a place, the experience of a lifetime awaits.
What you can expect
If your College of first preference is unable to offer you a place for whatever reason, we will pass your application on to the next highest available College on your preference list that has places available at that time for consideration via the ‘Intercollegiate Pool’. This usually occurs over December-January for Semester 1 Entry.
In the event that there is no availability in any College, we will work closely with the University of Melbourne to provide you with information about alternative accommodation options that are provided by the university if necessary.
If you change your mind
You can change your College first preference at any time by contacting us. You can also rearrange your remaining preferences at the Intercollegiate Pool stage, if applicable. If at any stage you wish to withdraw your application, please let us know here .